Sunday, February 26, 2006

Caught the fever

I finally saw Fever Pitch last night.

(I obviously don't get out much, at least not to the movies. Invariably, when I pay to go to the local multicineplexopolis, I end up surrounded by people who either feel the need to narrate the entire goings-on, or who brought their own bag of Doritos from home and proceed to rustle the bag the whole time, or who are keeping their baby up way past its--well, you get the idea. So I gave up going to the movies long ago, and by the time something is out on DVD, usually my short attention span has kicked in and I just sort of forget to. . . .)

Anyway, saw Fever Pitch.


I am sooo Ben.

And the movie made that seem like a bad thing.

But even though I am going to Spring Training next month, I promise not to cavort on-camera for ESPN.

(Of course, if I did, nobody who reads this blog would recognize me anyway. . . .)


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