Things that amaze

Things like Charles Gibson, still reeling from a collision with Adam Everett, holding up the ball to show the ump he made the catch (thanks to the Houston Chronicle for the photo).
Like Adam Everett, who is certainly one of the most reliable short stops in the game, if not the best, trotting back to his position a brief couple of minutes after this impact. We definitely do take him for granted.
Like Roger Clemens, pitching 15 hours after his beloved mother died, visibly gathering himself in the first inning to go on to another incredible performance. He said Bess Clemens-Booher was his will and determination, that she was a fighter and taught him to do the same. The signs at Minute Maid that night expressed sympathy, as well as sentiments such as "Roger, your mama raised you right." I couldn't agree more. He showed his true character not only in his performance on the mound, but in his press conference later that evening.
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