Ooooh! Ahhhh.

Lidge looked very good last night, retiring the three batters he faced in the seventh with 12 pitches, and he's being very gracious under scrutiny during his struggles. I may yet develop enough trust in him to be a fully sold fan. We'll see.
I'm headed back to MMP tomorrow for Pettitte's start. This will be a solitary jaunt, as all of my friends will be spending Mother's Day with their moms/wives/kids. That's just fine, as I haven't scored a game in ages (I don't keep score when someone else is with me because I don't multitask quite well enough). I'm no doubt quite rusty.
One of my friends asked me to go to the Giants' game on Tuesday, and I accepted. I don't usually run to Houston in the middle of the week, as I do dearly love to get a full night's sleep. But the two friends I'll attend the game with are smart and funny and so rarely available to spend time with that I couldn't resist. Now, though, it crosses my mind--what if Bonds gets 714 or God forbid 715 at MMP? Whether I'm there or not, it's possible that it will happen, but at this point I find the prospect of witnessing that event in person to be extremely distasteful.
Again, we'll see.
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