Thursday, August 23, 2007


That's just one descriptor for last weekend. My trip to Chicago was so incredible, it seemed surreal. The lakeline folks were terrific--really great hosts, they showed me around the city and shared a lot of the history and politics of the area, made sure I got some traditional Chicago eats, AND. . . they came up with some incredible tickets for my visit! (Everyone I've shown my pictures to this week has gasped before asking "How in the <insert geographical area here> did you get those seats?") Even better, they arranged for several flyovers by various military jets from the local airshow--thanks, that rocked! Hee!

The weather was not as cooperative as we would have preferred, but you can't have everything. And Wrigley Field with a roof just wouldn't be the same.

Although, I'm sure it would still be amazing.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Monthly update

It's that time again!

Went to a meeting in Denver last week and took in a game at Coors Field (the Brewers were in town). Coors Field was very beautiful, but maybe I was overly influenced by watching an open-air game in something less than 100 degree heat and 95% humidity (very pleasant weather there, for sure!). Or it could have been the view of the mountains. . . or the gorgeous sunset. . . or good friends and good beer (microbrews!). (And while you can't see the mountains or the sunset in this picture, you can see the row of purple seats in the upper deck--exactly one mile elevation above sea level.) Anyway, good times!

The Astros have started their usual second half. . .something. You can't really call it a surge at this point, as they're only playing marginally better, but "second half not-sucking-as-bad" doesn't have much of a ring to it, does it?

Headed to Chicago this weekend for Cubs/Cards, a girls' weekend hosted by Miss lakeline. Should be great fun! Unfortunately, Cards' fan Miss redbirdbrain had to cancel at the last second. She made me promise to kiss Spot, er, Scott Rolen for her. Pictures to follow (as if!).